أرشيف الوسم: عمارة

Urban inspirations from the vacation season

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  • زيارات : 764 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 20 سبتمبر 2017
الرابط الدائم لـِ Urban inspirations from the vacation season

By the end of the summer season and the return of tourists to their homes, it makes one question the criterias that attract tourists from the GCC countries to certain destinations and the huge admiration that they express for certain touristic capitals.

Certainly, the joy that tourist find could be due to the enjoyment and break from their jobs and the daily routines; nevertheless, I believe that it goes well beyond that.

Touristic capitals possess special factors that allow them to reach that status. Some factors are natural due to their geographic location, which bless them with moderate weather which attracts those who seek a specific environment such as cooler temperatures or sunny beaches.

Also, the central location allows these cities to be easily accessible from around the world for crowds of travellers.

Moreover, history is crucial in determining the status of cities. Historical cities that are sites for major monuments and images that are planted in the memory of the public strengthen their touristic attractivity. Cairo, Rome, Athens, London, Paris, and other cities; are the capitals of the world. They are the locations of important events that took place and change the course of history. These sites have a unique spark which distinguishes them from other locations.

There is a cultural dimension which enhances the position of world tourist destinations. When world renowned artists paint certain sites they stick in the collective memory.

When poets and writers write about specific places, they prosper in the minds of readers, like the cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris which is mentioned in the Hunchback of Notre-dame novel by Vector Hugo.

Similarly, when a city becomes the site of an important film, it also shines in the imagination of viewers like in the film The Sound of Music which was filmed in Salzburg and the surrounding area.

Yet, I would like to shed a light on other urban factors that contribute strongly to the enhancement of cities position as touristic destinations such as:

  • – Safety and security which ensures the visitor of the authority of law and provides them with tranquillity.
  • – Openness and a welcoming atmosphere that welcomes visitors and treats them well.
  • – Social diversity that these capitals possess and their tolerance to various types of people, races, and of all orientations.
  • – Among the visual factors are the order and hygiene that one experiences in public space. This order reflects the advanced nature of the city and enhance the sense of beauty in the surroundings.
  • – The presence of historical and modern monuments, which carry deep meanings, enhance the status of these capitals and its touristic attractivity.

Alternatively, there are cities with many modern buildings that lack any meaning and only seek to express economic growth and the culture of conspicuous consumption. These large buildings add little to their cities.

– Cities that respect pedestrians provide safe, connected, and continuous pathways. Successful cities make those pedestrian corridors interesting and connected to various activities. Undoubtedly, one of the secrets of this fascination with London, Paris, Beirut, Istanbul and other world cities is this open  public space that is unavailable in our home cities. Where the tourist finds this realm he, his family, and his children could wander freely without the need to depend on the private vehicle,which is considered the main enemy to livelihood in cities.

  • – Restaurants and Cafes which overlook pleasant views and are open toward satisfying main walkways and plazas, allows the seated person to enjoy gazing at the daily life of citizens and get a feel of a different lifestyle, enrich the city, and enhance its touristic position.

These are brief points that encourage us to think about the factors that contribute to the success of cities. It would be nice to have a chance to implement some on our home towns and cities.

?Al Murqab — A Vibrant Centre, or a Commercial Venture

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  • زيارات : 795 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 18 أغسطس 2017
الرابط الدائم لـِ ?Al Murqab —  A Vibrant Centre, or a Commercial Venture

Since the beginning of modern planning, Kuwait City and Al Murqab land allocation has been reviewed in the light of various master plans. The planner confirmed that Al Murqab land should maintain its residential land-use. It was envisioned that the land could accommodate more than 1200 housing units to serve Kuwait City and create the necessary mix that supports a vibrant city. Kuwait Municipality attempted to achieve this plan and designated the land to the Public Authority of Housing Welfare, however, the project failed to be realized.

Eventually, the latest master plan was approved through an Amiri Decree. This plan sought to accomplish the vision of His Highness the Prince of Kuwait to transform Kuwait into an international and regional business and financial centre. Based on this ambitious vision, the planner changed the land use of Murqab from residential to commercial and proposed to create an urban project that helps achieve Kuwait’s vision.

The Kuwait Municipality concluded the “Kuwait City 2030” Study in 2017, which proposed to designate the site for the creation of a prime financial district with mixed use development such as: a major transportation hub, conference centre, hotels, parks, residential and commercial towers, entertainment activities, and public amenities. It is hoped that the decision makers don’t take this project lightly; it is a vital project which will occupy the last virgin land in Kuwait City, and has the ability to transform it completely.  To achieve this transformation we need to prioritize quality over quantity. We should not be tempted to copy international urban models which seem to be successful but in reality suffer from various defects.

I hope that the project would be based on a comprehensive development vision that takes into consideration social and cultural dimensions beside economic aspects.

It is also crucial to change the traditional governmental method for tendering projects, which tenders every aspect of the project as a single package targeted at large investors. This might seem like the easiest path, but it has proven to be unsuccessful. This leads to a project either succeeding as a whole or failing completely!

On the other hand, if a high quality master plan is prepared which divides the project into smaller packages that are then tendered to small or medium investors,this would be more feasible; it would enhance the economy, create a healthy competitive atmosphere, and ensure high-quality and speedy execution.

Al Murqab Project is a valuable opportunity. It is hoped that it becomes a true development project which is creative, modern, yet inspired by traditional Kuwaiti Architecture and Urbanism.

From an urban planning point of view, the site should be divided into small to medium size blocks, planned with fine-grained urban fabric and avoids the creation of large isolated plots which have many negative urban impacts.

At this critical period, where resources are scarce and the world is rapidly changing, Al Murqab should be a unique urban project that is environmentally friendly and employs state-of-the-art sustainable technology and renewable energy.

The project should follow healthy urban trends which limits the dependency on private vehicles and provides various public transport alternatives. Equally important, is to ensure the creation of a connected, continuous, and comfortable pedestrian network.

I hope that decision makers realize the importance of this valuable land, give it the necessary thought that it deserves, and create a development model that distinguishes itself from previous mediocre projects. We wish to see Al Murqab become a sustainable, vibrant and outstanding center; not a mere real estate commercial venture.

المدن العمّالية و التنمية الحقيقية !

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  • زيارات : 1٬009 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 2 يوليو 2017
الرابط الدائم لـِ المدن العمّالية و التنمية الحقيقية !

إن القرارات التخطيطية لها آثار إجتماعية و إقتصادية مباشرة. كما أنها يجب أن تتخذ وفق رؤية تنموية شاملة و أن تتوافق مع قيم المجتمع و تطلعاته. و هنا أود أن أتطرق إلى مشروع المدن العمالية الذي يعتزم جهاز الشراكة مع القطاع الخاص طرحة، حيث يهدف إلى إنشاء مدن عمّالية توفر سكناً ملائماً و تساهم في حل مشكلة السكن العشوائي للعمالة و وجود تجمعات غير مرغوب فيها بالقرب من الضواحي السكنية المخصصة للعائلات !!

بداية يجب أن ندرك إن حالة سكن العمالة اليوم ليست المشكلة، و إنما أحد أعراض المشكلة التي يعاني منها مجتمعنا !! فالمخطط يجب أن يسعى إلى رفع جودة الحياة لكل من يسكن في الدولة، و لذا فإن الحل المقترح بأن يتم نقل العمالة للسكن في مواقع على أطراف المنطقة الحضرية لا يُعد حلّاً حضارياً، و سيزيد من الإنقسام القائم في الاستعمالات الحضرية. و لا يعدو كونه محاولة لكنس الأوساخ تحت السجادة! فإن إبعاد المشكلة عن العين لا يعني أنها غير موجودة.

إن المدن الناجحة تسعى إلى مزيد من توطين الإستعمالات المتنوعة و التي تجمع السكان من مختلف الشرائح و الطبقات الإجتماعية و الإقتصادية، لما في ذلك من آثار إيجابية إجتماعية و عملية.

إن أحد أهم عيوب المدن العمالية المعزولة هو خلق بؤر عمرانية متدهورة، أو ما يطلق عليه (جيتو)، و مواقع حيث يسكن الأشد فقراً في المجتمع، و هي معرضة أكثر من غيرها لتصبح مواقع للتوتر الأمني و مراكز للمُمارسات الإجرامية.

كما إن تحديد مواقع هذه المدن سيجعل منها معالم للبلد، و إذا اسيء تنفيذها ستصبح مادة إعلامية سلبية تعبر عن سوء معالمة العمالة الوافدة في الدولة، كما نشاهد بشكل دوري انتقادات المنظمات الحقوقية و وسائل الإعلام العالمية عن  وضع العمالة في دول الخليج.

و لذا نأمل أن تنطلق القرارات التخطيطية من رؤًى إنسانية و تنموية و حقوقية و تسعى لرفع جودة البيئة العمرانية في الكويت، و تعمل على معالجة المشاكل من جذورها و تضع حدّاً للعمالة السائبة و إنخفاض الأجور و تحمي حقوق العمّال و تسعى لتقليص الفوارق الطبقية بين الجميع و توفر سبل الحياة الكريمة لكل من يعيش على أرض الكويت، فهذه هي التنمية الحقيقية.

Labour Cities and the Path to True Development

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  • زيارات : 829 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 2 يوليو 2017
الرابط الدائم لـِ Labour Cities and the Path to True Development

Urban planning can have direct social and economic consequences. The decisions incorporated into urban planning and development must account for and be compatible with comprehensive visions and social values and goals.

Of utmost importance, the Labour Cities Project can aid economic and social progress through urban planning and development. The Labour Cities Project is sponsored by the Public Private Partnership Bureau in Kuwait. The project aims to provide adequate housing for labour, contribute to solving arbitrary housing issues, and establish housing within close proximity to single-family suburbs.

Importantly, we need to understand that the condition of labour housing is merely a symptom, rather than the cause, of the problem. Urban planning and development allows the planner to not only improve the urban environment, but also to enhance the quality of life for all residents in the country without discriminatory effect.

Accordingly, the decision to transform labour housing at the fringes of the metropolitan area is simply not a civilized solution.  Unfortunately, this is nothing more than an attempt to sweep the dirt under the carpet. Of course, not seeing the problem certainly does not make it disappear.

It is necessary to realize that successful international cities encouraging mixed-use housing successfully create both diverse social and economic groups of citizens. Using mixed-use urban planning has proven prosperous and shows tremendous social and practical advantages.

Without a doubt, the flaws of labour cities include the creation of centres that lead to urban decay and rundown sections of the city where the most disadvantaged people in society reside. These centres would be more susceptible to crime and instability.

Also, the creation of these so-called cities would highlight the existence of the problem. When completed poorly, these cities attract international human rights originations and media attention that highlight the mistreatment of foreign workers in Kuwait and the Gulf States.

Therefore, we hope for urban plans that are guided by humane, just, and comprehensive development visions. Treating the root of the problem by addressing key issues, such as illegal workers, low wages, and workers’ rights, the provision of dignified living conditions for all can be achievable. As well, this can decrease the disparity between different social and economic classes. Successful implementation of urban planning and development can bring true change to our society.