أرشيف الوسم: crime

The Real Cost of Traffic Congestion

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  • زيارات : 378 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 10 أكتوبر 2022
الرابط الدائم لـِ The Real Cost of Traffic Congestion

We are back to the usual traffic congestion starting with the school year. Most people complain, some put forward suggestions and proposals to tackle the issue, and many blame the responsible road/traffic authorities. There have been calls upon the Ministry of Education to alternate official school day timings, in an effort to try and relieve the problem. However, others have suggested more radical solutions that call for a ban on issuing driving licenses for foreigners and preventing them from owning private cars! This scenario inevitably repeats every year without progress, change, or resolution.

One cannot deny the efforts made by the Ministry of Public Works, and the Public Authority of Roads and Transportation, who are responsible for the mega projects underway that are changing the face of Kuwait’s roadways; many of which are still in the design and/or construction phases. While we feel some improvement in terms of journey duration with each projects completion, the effect isn’t lasting and quickly returns to its previous, terrible state.

Of course, it is an undeniable truth that traffic congestion is a positive sign of growth, prosperity, and attractiveness in a city. According to the Central Agency of Statistics, the number of private cars had reached 2,300,000 at the end of 2019. At the same time, the total population reached 4,400,000, meaning that there is one vehicle for every two residents in Kuwait; a high percentage indeed. However, despite the vehicle numbers, the quality of mobility really depends on the metropolitan area.

It has become crucial to understand the negative effect of traffic congestion. Kuwait’s urban transport conditions are terrible, and is the result of years of neglect, alongside a series of arbitrary decisions that have led to the current urban environment situation. It also has a corresponding high economic cost; many commercial activities lose possible customers due to bad traffic. Also, there is a time cost to be considered with congestion, where most of the labor force endure daily delays that costs the economy more than 633 million KD per year.

Various studies confirm a direct relationship between the daily experience of traffic congestion, and the decline of mental health, such as high-stress levels, anxiety, and depression. Additionally, traffic congestion is considered among the leading causes of environmental pollution, both due to noise, and low air quality, which leads to various health threats.

We must realize that there are no magic solutions, and we won’t be able to improve the condition through more capital being spent on roads and bridges. We won’t achieve a sound urban environment without a willingness to change our lifestyle, and make some sacrifices. Thus, any corrective measures will not be readily accepted by the public, and would face significant opposition. The below set of recommendations is intended to guide decision-makers and those working in the urban development field:

  • Review all urban planning policies, and re-evaluate our land use to achieve balanced distributions and more mixed land uses. This should reduce the need for mobility and the use of private vehicles.

  • Invest in public transport; directly fund public bus networks to attract more users, and revive the metro project, despite economic unfeasibility. Also, re-evaluate the condition of taxis, and improve performance through the development of systems, standard types of vehicles, and mandatory driver standards.

  • In parallel with the provision of public transport alternatives, introduce policies to reduce the use of private vehicles by increasing the cost of issuing licenses and registration fees, fuel prices, and parking fares, especially in commercial centers.

  • There is no other country where all students go to school by private car, and no university in the world matches Kuwait’s for the number of students who own personal vehicles. It is crucial to impose collective transport on students, which would make a giant leap towards changing the culture of using public transport in the long run.

  • Create residential neighborhoods with the necessary services to lower travel needs, and provide pedestrian networks and bike lanes. Introduce measures to limit speed and increase safety, to encourage youth and children’s walkability.

  • Encourage working from home, in both public and private sectors, utilizing modern technology. The speedy activation of the small business license allows Kuwaitis to use home addresses for various businesses. At present this process still faces bureaucratic obstacles and regulations that fail to understand the programs value and the spirit of the time we live in.

These broad lines could create a significant shift in the urban environment of Kuwait, and ignite a cultural transformation. However, these will not succeed without specialists, and a credible team with a futuristic vision willing to face the prevailing views, to achieve a change for the public good and serve future generations.

?Why do we break the glass

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  • زيارات : 230 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 9 سبتمبر 2022
الرابط الدائم لـِ ?Why do we break the glass

Media platforms have circulated footage of the Kuwait Municipality team’s demolition of various illegal buildings, one of which belonged to an ex-member of the Kuwaiti Parliament. This news was well-received by the general public, and their reaction was consistent with the overall feeling of optimism for the well of reform. However, the question that needs to be asked at the beginning of this era is: why do some people choose to break the law in the first place? 


In some cases, a few individuals may choose to break the law intentionally with the aim of committing acts of aggression. On the other hand, some violate the law when the perceived inadequacy of the regulations does not seem to serve the public good and address people’s needs. 


The lack of trust in legislators and lawmakers may lead to a belief that regulations are not there to serve the public good, and consequently it encourages people to break them. Thus, building trust in lawmakers and taking care to promulgate logical laws with clear goals should lead to more compliance. 


Similarly, fairness and impartiality in law enforcement should be straightforward and reflect the principles of right and wrong, and give broader authority and resources to leaders to promote the spirit of the law. This will increase compliance with regulations and enhance the concept of citizenship, which in turn will drive further collaboration among the community to serve the public good. 


Among the causes of defiance is the feeling that violations are widespread, and that the state apparatus is tolerant of them. The spread of ugliness in the public realm is worsened by the existence of cracked sidewalks, broken signage, smashed trash bins, dead plantations, and other elements of the urban environment which give the impression that the public is being neglected, and their needs are not being taken into consideration. 


This phenomenon is confirmed through the ‘Broken Glass’ theory, founded in 1982 by two social scientists, James Q. Wilson, and George L. Kelling. The theory states that if one glass window is left unrepaired, it is to be expected that vandals will attempt to break other windows and may eventually break into the building and occupy it. The same goes for sidewalks, whereby if the litter is left unremoved it will encourage others to throw more rubbish down onto it, eventually leading to the accumulation of bagfuls of refuse. 


Thus, the strengthening of supervisory systems and the speedy accountability of violators will contribute to holding responsible those who would otherwise disrupt the law. To improve the city and to encourage law conformity, competent and honest leaders must be appointed to positions of public service, and a thorough review of laws and regulations is required to ensure they are fit for purpose and address current needs. This must include supporting field officers by equipping them with the authority and resources they require. To improve the public realm, we must fix the broken glass daily. 

Kuwait City: The Wounded City

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  • زيارات : 280 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 13 أبريل 2022
الرابط الدائم لـِ Kuwait City: The Wounded City

Kuwait was struck by the fire that broke out at the Al Mubarakiya Market (the main souq of Kuwait). The fire damaged a significant portion of the market and caused irreparable damage. This fire left another wound in Kuwait City, and we hope it can be repaired soon and in the best manner.

Currently, specialists and architects are concerned about how the government will approach repairing the fire damage. They are worried that the process will fall victim to state bureaucracy, neglect, and even worse, alternative schemes for the site, which will destroy what remains of the identity of this wounded city.

Kuwait City is the capital of a modern state with massive resources that have the potential to provide an outstanding urban model. This city’s many vital constituents could be the basis for a rich civil center. However, inadequate planning and ignorance led to its current deterioration.

The rich coastline and traditional ports are where many Kuwaitis previously built their livelihood around. They were not adequately preserved and or developed. Additionally, Kuwait City was initially divided into three distinct areas that could have been utilized to preserve the unique character of Kuwait. However, the modernization efforts have erased or covered over many of its landmarks.

The early master plans advocated preserving Kuwait City’s remaining historic buildings. These plans protected the densities from commercial uses. They also proposed the reduction of building heights. More importantly, the plans recommended the increase of housing within the city to create the desired land use balance.

However, with time and a lack of vision, Kuwait city saw a series of decisions that negatively impacted its character and left the city with chronic wounds. Such as:

          • An early compulsive takeover led to the demolishment of the vast majority of traditional mud houses within the city boundary, destroying the city’s urban fabric.
          • The first ring road project, which gave priority to private vehicles, led to a highway that disconnected the city and lowered its accessibility.
          • During the last few years, we saw a series of decisions that prompted the demolishing of various modern architectural landmarks with a unique architectural and historical value, such as (the Al Hambra Cinema, Al Sawaber complex skating ring, lately the Justice Palace, and others.
          • In addition, the negligence of large areas of open unutilized governmental lands within the city boundaries that are random parking yards contributed to the mutilation of the city.

The failure of national-level planning led to the deteriorating condition of Kuwait City and the random transformation of its land uses and densities. While the local market expanded and consumption multiplied, the market did not provide venues to absorb the expansion. The market also imposed a reorganization of the city. We saw the building of various highrise towers and multiple shopping malls, leading to wider roads and bigger multi-story car parking buildings. All this damaged the urban fabric and defected the city.

To develop the city, we need a comprehensive vision for the state, allocating the necessary resources and overcoming all obstacles. And the deployment of teams of specialized and competent members. Further, because it’s Kuwait city, the wounded capital, it has to be treated.

الدور الرابع ونقطة اللا-عودة

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  • زيارات : 745 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 15 أغسطس 2021
الرابط الدائم لـِ الدور الرابع ونقطة اللا-عودة

لقد كان تفاعل الناس قوياً مع قرار المجلس البلدي؛ للسماح بإضافة دور رابع لقسائم السكن الخاص التي تقل مساحتها عن 400 متر مربع. وقد عبر الغالبية عن استيائهم من هذا القرار، وإدراكهم للآثار السلبية التي ستترتب على إقراره وتطبيقه.

إن قراراً كهذا سيرفع من الكثافة السكانية داخل المناطق السكنية، ويشجع على زيادة تأجير الوحدات في مناطق السكن الخاص؛ وبذلك يعمل على ارتفاع أسعار العقار ومن ثم جعل امتلاك المسكن أكثر صعوبة. عوضاً عن زيادة الضغط على الخدمات العامة والمرافق، وتزايد الازدحام على الطرق الداخلية ومواقف السيارات.

ويجب علينا أن ندرك حجم التشويه الحاصل للبيئة العمرانية في الكويت، فوفق قانون 1985 كانت نسبة البناء للسكن الخاص 120% وبارتدادات كبيرة داخل حدود الأراضي لإتاحة المجال لوقوف السيارات، ثم في عام 1996 تم تقليص الارتدادات وزيادة نسبة البناء إلى 170%، ثم تم اتخاذ قرارا آخر في سنة 2006 لرفع النسبة إلى 210% و 240%، واليوم نحن بصدد زيادة أخرى وبشكل جديد.

ولكن القضية لا تقتصر على إضافة الدور الرابع، فأخشى أننا بلغنا نقطة -اللا-عودة- وأفسدنا نموذجاً عمرانياً كان الأكثر تقدماً بين مدن الخليج العربي. فمن المؤلم مشاهدة متخذي القرار يصدرون قرارات كهذه باستخفاف، وبدون دراسة أو استشارة أو إدراك للآثار السلبية طويلة الأمد، والتي سيكون بعضها غير قابل للإصلاح.

إننا نحترم خيارات الناس ونعي أنه من غير المنطقي وضع نظام بناء واحد يطبق على الجميع، وندرك أن الأسر المختلفة لها تفضيلات مختلفة تتلاءم مع احتياجاتها وثقافتها وأسلوب حياتها، ومستواها الاجتماعي والمادي، وهذا ما يجب أن تعكسه البيئة العمرانية. ولذ علينا أن نطور آليات التخطيط الهيكلي وأنظمة البناء المنبثقة عنها، وأن تتوفر لدينا مناطق سكنية ذات أنظمة بناء متنوعة وكثافات متفاوتة، تتيح للناس اختيار أين يودون العيش. فلم يعد النموذج الموحد ملائم والبلد أصبح أكثر تعقيداً؛ مما يتطلب أنظمة بناء ديناميكية وفاعلة تخدم تطلعات الناس.

إن هذا القرار أظهر بوضوح الخلل في مؤسسة المجلس البلدي، فلم يعد من المعقول أن يكون للكويت مجلس بلدي ممثل- بستة عشر- عضواً للبت في كافة القرارات البلدية والعمرانية والتي تغطي رقعة جغرافية تضاعفت عدة مرات منذ قيام الدولة الحديثة. وأصبح لزاماً علينا تعديل قانون البلدية وإنشاء بلديات ومجالس محلية تتمتع بصلاحيات كبيرة، ولكنها محدودة ضمن نطاق عمارني واضح.

نأمل أن يسحب القرار وإجراء مراجعة عامة لاستراتيجيات التخطيط الحضري والهيكلي وقوانين البناء في دولة الكويت. وعلى أن تتوافق هذه الاستراتيجية مع أهدافنا الوطنية وأن ترقى لحجم الطموحات والتحديات الاقتصادية والاجتماعية التي نواجها.