أرشيف الوسم: الكويت

المساحات الخضراء … من الروضة إلى أبو حليفة

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  • زيارات : 1٬144 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 2 ديسمبر 2017
الرابط الدائم لـِ المساحات الخضراء … من الروضة إلى أبو حليفة

يُشكل التخطيطُ العمراني والحضري المدينة والحياة فيها. ويهدفُ التخطيطُ إلى بناء بيئةٍ صحيةٍ، وحياةٍ اجتماعيةٍ حيّةٍ، وأنشطةٍ اقتصاديةٍ ناجحة. ويُعتبر تخطيط استعمالات الأراضي أحد أهم أدوات مخططي المدن، والذي من خلاله يتم وضع التوجهات المنطقية والقانونية لتخصيص المُتاح من موارد الأراضي للاستعمالات، والوظائف المختلفة، وبما يتوافق مع الأهداف التنموية للمدينة أو الدولة.

لا شك أن تحقيق هذه الرؤى يتطلبُ ثقة بالمخطط، وثقة بالإجراءات التي من خلالها يتم اتخاذ القرارات التي تُحدد وتغير استعمالات الأراضي. وعلاوة على ذلك، يتطلبُ نجاح الخطط الحضرية قبول ودعم الشعب لها، وينبعُ هذا الدعمُ من مدى ثقافة ووعي عامة السكّان.

إن التخطيط مهمةٌ مهنيةٌ وعلميةٌ، وهي مهمةٌ رسميةٌ تقوم بها الدولة، كما توافقت على ذلك كافة المدن المتقدمة والناجحة، ويجب أن ندرك أن قوى السوق غير قادرة على إنتاج بيئةٍ حضريةٍ ناجحة، كما أن الأنشطة السياسية الصِرفة والفجّة عادة ما تكون غير قادرة على تدبير التنمية الحضرية.

وفي الفترة القريبة الماضية، حدث حدثان لفتا الانتباه، ووجدت أنهما يستحقا الوقوف عندهما. يتمثلُ الحدثُ الأولُ بقرار بلدية الكويت على تحويل منتزه أبو حليفة القومي إلى منطقة سكن خاص، تحت ضغط اهتمام السكّان بالقضية الإسكانية، وسعياً نحو توفير أكبر عددٍ من الوحدات. ويتمثلُ الحدثُ الآخر بسعي إحدى الجهات إلى إنشاء مبنى ضمن حديقة جمال عبد الناصر في منطقة الروضة، ولكن تم إيقاف إقامة المشروع، والفضل في ذلك يعودُ إلى التحركات الشعبية النشطة. وتُعد هذه القرارات أمثلة على السعي الدائم إلى تغيير استعمالات الأراضي، والتعدي على المساحات الخضراء المخصصةِ ضمن المنطقة الحضرية.

إن المساحات المفتوحة والخضراء في المدن والأحياء السكنية هي من أكثر الاستعمالات أهمية، وقد اشتهرت العديدُ من المُدن بحدائقها المهمة مثل حديقة الهايد بارك في لندن، والحديقة المركزية في نيو يورك، وحديقة بوكيت تيما في سنغافورة، وحديقة فينكس في دبلن، وغيرهما الكثير. وتميزت دولةُ الكويتِ بوجود مُخططاتٍ هيكليةٍ رائدةٍ عملت على تخصيص العديد من المساحات الخضراء، كما اهتم مخططو الضواحي السكنية الأوائل بتزويد الأحياء بمجموعة من الحدائق والمساحات الخضراء، كما اعتنت الهيئة العامة للزراعة والثرة والسمكية بتصميم وصيانة الحدائق العامة ـ إلا أنه لُوحظ في الآونة الأخيرة انحدار مستوى الاهتمام بالحدائق العامة رغم الحاجة إليها.

وهنا تجدر الإشارة إلى التأكيد على أهمية الحدائق والمساحات الخضراء في المدينة، والتي لها العديد من الفوائد، نذكر منها ما يلي:

– توفر الحدائقُ والمساحاتُ الخضراء فوائدا صحية عدة للسكّان، فهي تنقي الهواء، وتخفض من الضغوطات، وتشجع على ممارسة المشي، وشتى الأنشطة الرياضية.

– تعتبر الحدائقُ متنفساً للسكّان، وبالتالي تشجع على بناء مساكن أصغر حجماً، وبالتالي سيتقبلها السكان في حال كانت ذات إطلالات جميلة، وقريبة من الساحات، والحدائق، وملاعب الأطفال.

– توفر الحدائقُ والمساحات الخضراء فوائد بيئية أيضا، فزيادة أعداد الأشجار والنباتات يساعد على مقاومة ظاهرة الاحتباس الحراري، ويحسن جودة الهواء، ويخفض من درجات الحرارة.

وختاماً، آمل أن نرى اهتماماً وحرصاً بالغين بالمساحات الخضراء، ووعياً أوسع بدورها في تحسين البيئة العمرانية، ورفع جودة الحياة.



Green Space from Al Rawda to Abo Holifa

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  • زيارات : 1٬484 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 2 ديسمبر 2017
الرابط الدائم لـِ Green Space from  Al Rawda to Abo Holifa

Urban planning shapes cities and lives. It aims to create healthy environments, vibrant lives, and successful economies. One of the most important tools of urban planners is land-use planning; Through this tool, logical and legal guidelines are set to allocate land resources and functions in ways that comply with development plans.

The successful implementation of urban visions requires trust in planners and the procedures that govern land-uses. In addition, the success of urban plans depends on the level of support it gets from the general public. This support stems from the level of awareness and understanding of the public.

Urban planning is a professional and scientific task. All successful cities agree that planning is an authoritative task which is carried out by the state. Thus, we need to understand that the forces of the market are not sufficient to produce a successful urban environment. Similarly, political activities alone are unable to manage the urban milieu effectively.

Recently, two vents caught my attention and deserve to be reviewed. The first is the decision of Kuwait Municipality to change the land-use of Abo Holifa National Resort into residential land-use. The decision was taken under escalating pressures from the general public to provide more residential land to help relieve the pressure caused by the scarcity of residential units. The other, is the construction project which was about to execute a service building on part of the land allocated for Jamal Abdul Naser Park in Al Rawda neighbourhood. However, due to successful public campaigns, the project was frozen and the green space was saved. Such two cases are only examples of continuous efforts to change land-use and encroach on the allocated green spaces within the metropolitan area.

Green and open areas are among the most important spaces within cities and urban lands. Many world renowned cities are famous for their parks such as Hyde Park in London, Central Park in New York, the Bukit Timah Nature Preserve in Singapore, Phoenix Park in Dublin and others. Kuwait was renowned for its pioneering of master plans in the region which provided balanced uses and allocated sufficient green spaces. Planners of residential neighbourhoods ensured the provision of various types of parks and open spaces. The Public Authority of Agriculture and Fishery are concerned about the design and maintenance of public parks. However, lately the reduced attention to parks despite the increased demand for outdoor open spaces is noticeable.

In that regard, we must stress for the importance of parks and open spaces. And highlight some of their benefits:

  • – Parks and green spaces provide various health benefits to citizens as they help purify air, lower stress, encourage walking, and the practice of sports activities.
  • – Parks enhance the feel of spaciousness. In consequence, this encourages the construction of smaller residential units, which becomes accepted by the public once they have nice views and are adjacent to green parks and playgrounds.
  • – In addition, parks have tremendous environmental benefits as they counter global warming, improve air quality and lower temperatures.

Finally, I hope that we see greater care of green space and wider awareness of their role to enhance the urban environment and improve the quality of life.

?Neom … the question

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  • زيارات : 1٬077 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 4 نوفمبر 2017
الرابط الدائم لـِ ?Neom … the question

The Neom Project was announced by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, H.H Mohammad Bin Salman, during a big event last week that was attended by some of the world’s biggest names in finance and business. The prince declared that the Kingdom has assigned more than 500 million dollars for the project. An economic zone of 26,000 square kilometers on the north western border of Saudi Arabia has been allocated for this purpose.

The project will create a modern, smart, unconventional city that houses the latest urban technologies and become a hub for the development of nine investment sectors such as energy, transportation, bioengineering, robotics, water, food, digital technology, science and media.

The government of Saudi Arabia marketed the project through a huge media campaign that attracted a lot of attention. Despite the preliminary information that was released about it, there are other major and obvious advantages. Yet, like any other venture, it entails risks and has some concerns that should be taken into consideration.

Here is a list of a few advantages of the project:

– The project presents creative and unconventional thinking.

– It calls for partnership with neighboring countries, which strengthen capabilities and benefit from economic integration with Egypt and Jordan.

– The project is located on the north western border of Saudi Arabia, an area that did not get its equal share of development.

– The project was presented, along with a team of major international financial and business leaders, which reinforces the project and enhances investors’ confidence.

– The announcement that 500 million dollars will be invested by the government will be the basis to attract further international investments.

– The head of the project is the prince himself; he marketed it directly and exhibited good knowledge about the details thereof. His enthusiasm will increase public confidence in the project.

– It is one of the products of Saudi vision 2030, which illustrate commitment to the plan and dedication to pursue its outlined goals.

– While the project is mainly economic, it is also coupled with social and cultural transformations that are necessary to achieve the goals of the project.

– The project seeks to utilize the geographic location of Saudi Arabia and illustrates its ability to become a global commercial hub.

However, there are also some disadvantages. They include:

  • – Most major decisions in the Arab world are taken by individuals and steam from the vision of leadership. This is definitely a negative aspect. Such major economic decisions should be based on wide public participation. Utilizing point of views and local expertise as well as gaining the necessary public support is needed to ensure the success of the project. Money alone cannot guarantee the establishment of great cities; a great city needs social and cultural structures that are based on justice, equality, political participation and freedom of expression.


  • – One of the negative aspects of the project is that it will be built on virgin land. This is not a sustainable approach. Many political leaders wrongfully think that the solution is to escape from existing urban centres and their problems.


  • – Prince Mohamad Bin Salman announced that this is a capitalistic project and that it will become the first city where its regulations are written by businessmen – despite the advantages that this approach may bring. We need to understand that urban planning is a critical activity and the state must play a major role to oversee it in order to protect the interests of the general public as well as protecting land and the environment. Leaving this task to major cross-continents corporations could jeopardize the city and its inhabitants.


  • – Reading the project brief, one can see that it is a “Globalized” project and it lacks the Saudi spirit, which possesses many rich characteristics that could have a positive influence on the project.


  • – Finally, although the Saudi society is rich with creative individuals and outstanding businessmen, the initial presentation of the project did not present Saudi faces. Including national individuals could strengthen the project and give the Arab Saudi citizens a chance to proof themselves.


Today we look forward to follow the progress of this huge dream project. We hope that it will be successful and that it will be beneficial to the entire region. However, we find ourselves somewhat sceptical with a project of such a scale, where huge investment is allocated at difficult times, such as when oil prices are low, many countries are facing financial deficits, and we are surrounded by political challenges. We hope that it will not be a repeat of other urban schemes where new cities were going to be established, which are yet to  see the light, like Silk City in Kuwait, The New Capital in Egypt and King Abdullah City in Jeddah.

مشروع نيوم في المملكة العربية السعودية – The Neum project in Saudi Arabia

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  • زيارات : 923 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 27 أكتوبر 2017

حديث ولي العهد السعودي حول مشروع نيوم
Saudi Crown Prince Mohamad Bin Salman talks about Neum Project