Urban planning can have direct social and economic consequences. The decisions incorporated into urban planning and development must account for and be compatible with comprehensive visions and social values and goals.
Of utmost importance, the Labour Cities Project can aid economic and social progress through urban planning and development. The Labour Cities Project is sponsored by the Public Private Partnership Bureau in Kuwait. The project aims to provide adequate housing for labour, contribute to solving arbitrary housing issues, and establish housing within close proximity to single-family suburbs.
Importantly, we need to understand that the condition of labour housing is merely a symptom, rather than the cause, of the problem. Urban planning and development allows the planner to not only improve the urban environment, but also to enhance the quality of life for all residents in the country without discriminatory effect.
Accordingly, the decision to transform labour housing at the fringes of the metropolitan area is simply not a civilized solution. Unfortunately, this is nothing more than an attempt to sweep the dirt under the carpet. Of course, not seeing the problem certainly does not make it disappear.
It is necessary to realize that successful international cities encouraging mixed-use housing successfully create both diverse social and economic groups of citizens. Using mixed-use urban planning has proven prosperous and shows tremendous social and practical advantages.
Without a doubt, the flaws of labour cities include the creation of centres that lead to urban decay and rundown sections of the city where the most disadvantaged people in society reside. These centres would be more susceptible to crime and instability.
Also, the creation of these so-called cities would highlight the existence of the problem. When completed poorly, these cities attract international human rights originations and media attention that highlight the mistreatment of foreign workers in Kuwait and the Gulf States.
Therefore, we hope for urban plans that are guided by humane, just, and comprehensive development visions. Treating the root of the problem by addressing key issues, such as illegal workers, low wages, and workers’ rights, the provision of dignified living conditions for all can be achievable. As well, this can decrease the disparity between different social and economic classes. Successful implementation of urban planning and development can bring true change to our society.