أرشيف الوسم: Transparency

The Trilogy of Citizen-Built Environment and Regulations

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  • زيارات : 651 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 27 سبتمبر 2018
الرابط الدائم لـِ The Trilogy of Citizen-Built Environment and Regulations

This post stresses the interchangeable relationship between citizens and the built environment. A city’s success depends on the acts of its citizens, as their ability to lead a good life depends greatly on the quality of their city, the urban milieu, and implemented governance systems.

Citizen is defined as a “member of a political group that enjoys citizenship rights and carries its duties”. Encyclopedia Britannica defines citizenship as the “relationship between an individual and a state to which the individual owes allegiance, and in turn, is entitled to its protection”. Citizenship implies the status of freedom with accompanying responsibilities. Being a citizen of a specific city entails a wider notion; it is a feeling that a successful city gives and contributes to its development.

Civic spirit is reflective of how citizens view and can act within their city. Cities flourish through their citizens. The success and happiness of citizens depend on the quality of the built environment. The more the relationship between citizens and their city is characterized as positive, the more their feeling of pride increases, and the civic spirit and civic society thrives alongside it.

The active “good” citizen establishes a successful city that facilitates his/her life, protecting him/her from fear, hunger, anxiety, and all forms of discomfort. However, planning is crucial to creating such a city, as successful cities are not built by chance but created by clear visions, good plans, and fierce commitment. Urban Planning and urban design are crucial to creating an urban environment that incubates citizens and provides all of their necessary means. Thus, what are the conditions for such interchangeable relations between citizens and their city?

Law abiding citizen and fair city

A conformist citizen, whether a leader or follower, is a law-abiding, ethical, and honest in all his/her dealings. He/she is a generous citizen that seeks to assist those in need and creates opportunities to facilitate the success of others. Moreover, such citizens need a city that does not tolerate corruption and enforces sound, fair, and smooth procedures.

Active citizen within an open city:

A good city needs active participant citizens — who hold a high sense of individuality and responsibility. Such citizens participate in public debates and express their opinion in a positive manner. Further, they seek to contribute to the enhancement of other lives and the creation of solutions to help all of their city’s members. Similarly, citizens need a city that welcomes all and provides spaces for debate and the exchange of ideas. These cities must also value freedom and protects the right of all.

Creative citizen and an environment that stimulates creativity:

A successful city requires vigilant, aware citizens with clear goals. These citizens must also notice areas of weakness and search for solutions and provide initiates and proposals. At the same time, the city must be open and flexible enough to encourage public gathering and the exchange of ideas — while providing resources for its citizens to accomplish their projects and dreams

One-Dimensional Cities

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  • زيارات : 1٬024 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 6 مارس 2018
الرابط الدائم لـِ One-Dimensional Cities

As modernization and progress occurs, cities adopt global management and planning methods, and doing so, they lose many of their unique characteristics — gradually transforming into one-dimensional cities. These cities are cruel, and living in them becomes extraordinarily harsh. The following article explores the characteristics intrinsic of one-dimensional cities.

In one-dimensional cities, the economy is the leader, driving force, and reference of success. As a result, economic practices assume priority over the material — and subsequently, over the human. In one-dimensional cities, economic growth proves more important than true societal development. The material interest is the basis, and the entire city transforms into a factory or a marketplace of endless consumption.

The invisible hand of the market adjusts the rhythm of life in the city, and priority is given to contractual relations over human relations. The individual might think that he/she is free — where consumption choices are vast — but in reality, the individual is constrained to only functional choices. In turn, the individual becomes unable to critique, protest and is only allowed to operate within the status quo.

One-dimensional cities seek to standardize all aspect of life, cancelling out an individual’s character and identities. It believes that there exist a scientific and engineering solution to every problem, and these solutions can be applied to all. As such, one-dimensional cities resist and eliminate uniqueness, individualism and specificity.

The standardization phenomenon can be defined where “many of the civilization’s products are alike and standardized through manufacturing production techniques… [,] and this standardization of civil products leads to the standardization of public and private lifestyle”*

Standardization, in consequence, eliminates the human and his/her freedom. Due to their nature, humans make attempts to resist the process of standardization by protesting acts that break the law, violence, addiction, and even suicide! This city might seek to standardization under the slogan of justice or planning; but standardization is one of the tools of the market and the one-dimensional city.

The one-dimensional city invades the private and the public sector and works to reduce their freedoms, as expression is only permitted through consumption and ownership. The spiritual, cultural and socio-political dimensions are also marginalized.

Another characteristic of one-dimensional cities is its sway of bureaucratic procedures — where the individual is lost between a web of complicated and fine procedures, feeling worthless and unable to influence surrounding social, political and economic factors. The individual feels complete deficiency against the injustice faced, including facing the incomprehensible procedures indicative of one-dimensional cities that waste time and effort. Consequently, suffering upsurges as time — an individual’s most valuable asset — is squandered and consumed by one-dimensional cities.

In the following articles, I shall go in detail in every character of these.

*Some of these  ideas are inspired by Dr. Abdulwahab Al Missiri’s books.

نيـــــــوم …. أسئلة المشروع ؟

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  • زيارات : 1٬124 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 4 نوفمبر 2017
الرابط الدائم لـِ نيـــــــوم …. أسئلة المشروع ؟

مشروع “نيـــوم” الذي أعلن عنه وليُّ العهد السعوديّ الأمير محمد بن سلمان الأسبوع الماضي، ضمن حدثٍ كبيرٍ ضمَّ مجموعةَ من أكبر أسماء المال والأعمال في العالم، وتوعَّد بضخ ما يزيد عن خمسمئة (500) مليون دولار، وتخصيص نطاق استثماري في شمال غرب المملكة تبلغ مساحته التقديرية ستة وعشرون ألف كيلو متر مربع ( 26،000 كم)؛ لإقامة مدينةٍ حديثةٍ غير تقليديةٍ تضمُّ أحدث التقنيات الحضرية، ويكون عدد الروبوتات بها أكثر من البشر، وتعمل على تعزيز الاستثمارات في تسعة قطاعات اقتصادية غير تقليديةٍ، كالطاقة، والنقل، والهندسة العضوية، والروبوتات، والمياه، ومستقبل الغذاء، ومستقبل العلوم التقنية والرقمية، ومستقبل التصنيع المتطور، ومستقبل الإعلام والإنتاج الإعلامي.

إنَّ مشروعاً بهذا الحجم العملاق، والذي سخِّرت له تغطيةٌ إعلاميةٌ كبيرةٌ، وعلى الرغم من أنَّ المعلومات التي نشرت عنه تُعدُّ أوليةً، إلا أنَّ القارئ له يجد فيه مجموعةً من المميزات الواضحة، لكنَّه كأيِّ مشروعٍ آخرٍ تحفه المخاطر، وعليه مجموعة من الملاحظات التي يجب أن يلتفت لها، وأبدأ بسرد مميزات المشروع:

– المشروع يتميز بأنَّه يحمل فكراً إبداعياً غير تقليديٍّ.


– من أهمِّ ميزات المشروع أنَّه يتبع أسلوب الشراكة مع دول الجوار، والذي يعزز الإمكانات ويستفيد من التكامل الاقتصادي مع جمهورية مصر العربية والمملكة الهاشمية الأردنية.


– موقع المشروع يستهدف منطقة شمال غرب المملكة العربية السعودية والتي لم تنل قدراً كافياً من التنمية.


– عرض المشروع بالاستعانة بخبراتٍ عالميةٍ ذات أسماء لامعة، الأمر الذي يهدف إلى كسب ثقة المستثمرين بالمشروع.


– الإعلان عن دعمٍ حكوميِّ كبيرِ بلغ نصف تريليون دولار؛ ليكون القاعدة التي ستجذب المستثمرين الأجانب.


– تبني ولي العهد السعودي لهذا المشروع، وتسويقه شخصياً، والحديث عنه ارتجالياً، وبإلمامٍ وبحماسة ٍ، له دورٌ كبيرٌ في تعزيز ثقة الشعب السعودي والعالم بهذا المشروع.


– التأكيد بأنَّ المشروع أحد نتائج رؤية المملكة 2030.


– إنَّ المشروع اقتصاديٌّ، لكنّه مصاحبٌ لتغيرات الرؤى الفكرية والاجتماعية والثقافية التي كانت سائدةً في المملكة العربية السعودية.


– المشروع يسعى لاستثمار الموقع الجغرافي للمملكة العربية السعودية، وإبراز قدرتها على أنْ تكون مركزاً تجارياً واقتصادياً يربط بين قارات العالم.



أمّا أبرز الملاحظات على المشروع فهي كما يلي:


– ما زال القرار في العالم العربي فردياً، ونابعاً من رؤية القيادة، وهذا بلا شك أمر سلبيٍّ؛ لأن القرارات الاقتصادية الكبيرة يجب أنْ تبني على مشاركةٍ شعبيةٍ واسعةٍ؛ حتى تستفيد من الرؤى والخبرات المحلية؛ وحتى تنال الدعم الشعبي اللازم لنجاح أيّ مشروعٍ قوميٍّ بهذا الحجم، فالأموال وحدها لا يمكنها أن تنشئ المدن العظيمة، وإنما تحتاج بِنى اجتماعية وثقافية قائمة على العدل والمساواة والمشاركة السياسية وحرية التعبير.


– من عيوب المشروع أنَّه يُقام على أرضٍ بكر، وهذا حلٌّ غير مستدامٍ، وغير صديقٍ للبيئة، يرى الكثير من القادة أنَّ الحل دائماً هو الهروب من المدن القائمة ومشاكلها.


– لقد أعلن الأمير محمد بن سلمان بأنَّ مشروع (نيــوم) هو مشروع رأسمالي، وقد يكون أول مدينة يضع تشريعاتها رجال الأعمال، وبغضِّ النظر عن مميزات هذا التوجه، إلا إنَّ التخطيط الحضري نشاطٌ حساسٌ، ويجب أن تأخد الدولة دوراً كبيراً ورئيسيًّا به؛ لحفظ حقوق عامة الشعب وحماية الأرض والبيئة، أمّا إذا تُرك للشركات الكبرى العابرة للقارات، فإنَّ ذلك قد يعرض المدينة والساكنين لمخاطر كبيرةٍ.


– من يقرأ حيثيات المشروع يرى أنَّه مشروعٌ (عولمي)، ويفتقر للروح السعودية الغنية القادرة أن تضفي عليه تميزاً خاصاً.


– المجتمع السعودي غنيٌّ بالمبدعين، ورجال الأعمال، والمهندسين، والمبتكرين، إلا أنَّ عرض المشروع لم يقدِّم وجوهاً سعوديةً، الأمر الذي كان من الممكن أن يعزز من قيمة المشروع ويعطي للإنسان العربي والسعودي فرصةً لإثبات الذات.



اليوم نتطلَّع لمتابعة خطوات إقامة هذا المشروع الحلم الكبير، والذي نأمل أن يرى النور، ويحقق النجاح، وأن يعود بالخير على المنطقة بأسرها.

و قد تعترينا بعض الشكوك المبررة، لأنَّ مشروعاً بهذا الحجم، تُضخ به استثماراتٌ مهولةٌ في أوقاتٍ عصيبةٍ حيث تنخفض أسعار النفط، وتعاني دول المنطقة من عجزٍ ماليٍّ، علاوة على التحديات السياسية التي تحيط بالمنطقة، أضف إلى ذلك حمّى إنشاء المدن الجديدة، والتي لم يكتب لها النجاح كمدينة الحرير في الكويت، والعاصمة الإدارية الجديدة في مصر، ومدينة الملك عبد الله الاقتصادية في جدة.

?Neom … the question

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  • زيارات : 1٬077 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 4 نوفمبر 2017
الرابط الدائم لـِ ?Neom … the question

The Neom Project was announced by the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, H.H Mohammad Bin Salman, during a big event last week that was attended by some of the world’s biggest names in finance and business. The prince declared that the Kingdom has assigned more than 500 million dollars for the project. An economic zone of 26,000 square kilometers on the north western border of Saudi Arabia has been allocated for this purpose.

The project will create a modern, smart, unconventional city that houses the latest urban technologies and become a hub for the development of nine investment sectors such as energy, transportation, bioengineering, robotics, water, food, digital technology, science and media.

The government of Saudi Arabia marketed the project through a huge media campaign that attracted a lot of attention. Despite the preliminary information that was released about it, there are other major and obvious advantages. Yet, like any other venture, it entails risks and has some concerns that should be taken into consideration.

Here is a list of a few advantages of the project:

– The project presents creative and unconventional thinking.

– It calls for partnership with neighboring countries, which strengthen capabilities and benefit from economic integration with Egypt and Jordan.

– The project is located on the north western border of Saudi Arabia, an area that did not get its equal share of development.

– The project was presented, along with a team of major international financial and business leaders, which reinforces the project and enhances investors’ confidence.

– The announcement that 500 million dollars will be invested by the government will be the basis to attract further international investments.

– The head of the project is the prince himself; he marketed it directly and exhibited good knowledge about the details thereof. His enthusiasm will increase public confidence in the project.

– It is one of the products of Saudi vision 2030, which illustrate commitment to the plan and dedication to pursue its outlined goals.

– While the project is mainly economic, it is also coupled with social and cultural transformations that are necessary to achieve the goals of the project.

– The project seeks to utilize the geographic location of Saudi Arabia and illustrates its ability to become a global commercial hub.

However, there are also some disadvantages. They include:

  • – Most major decisions in the Arab world are taken by individuals and steam from the vision of leadership. This is definitely a negative aspect. Such major economic decisions should be based on wide public participation. Utilizing point of views and local expertise as well as gaining the necessary public support is needed to ensure the success of the project. Money alone cannot guarantee the establishment of great cities; a great city needs social and cultural structures that are based on justice, equality, political participation and freedom of expression.


  • – One of the negative aspects of the project is that it will be built on virgin land. This is not a sustainable approach. Many political leaders wrongfully think that the solution is to escape from existing urban centres and their problems.


  • – Prince Mohamad Bin Salman announced that this is a capitalistic project and that it will become the first city where its regulations are written by businessmen – despite the advantages that this approach may bring. We need to understand that urban planning is a critical activity and the state must play a major role to oversee it in order to protect the interests of the general public as well as protecting land and the environment. Leaving this task to major cross-continents corporations could jeopardize the city and its inhabitants.


  • – Reading the project brief, one can see that it is a “Globalized” project and it lacks the Saudi spirit, which possesses many rich characteristics that could have a positive influence on the project.


  • – Finally, although the Saudi society is rich with creative individuals and outstanding businessmen, the initial presentation of the project did not present Saudi faces. Including national individuals could strengthen the project and give the Arab Saudi citizens a chance to proof themselves.


Today we look forward to follow the progress of this huge dream project. We hope that it will be successful and that it will be beneficial to the entire region. However, we find ourselves somewhat sceptical with a project of such a scale, where huge investment is allocated at difficult times, such as when oil prices are low, many countries are facing financial deficits, and we are surrounded by political challenges. We hope that it will not be a repeat of other urban schemes where new cities were going to be established, which are yet to  see the light, like Silk City in Kuwait, The New Capital in Egypt and King Abdullah City in Jeddah.