أرشيف الوسم: الإسكان

Labour Cities and the Path to True Development

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  • زيارات : 829 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 2 يوليو 2017
الرابط الدائم لـِ Labour Cities and the Path to True Development

Urban planning can have direct social and economic consequences. The decisions incorporated into urban planning and development must account for and be compatible with comprehensive visions and social values and goals.

Of utmost importance, the Labour Cities Project can aid economic and social progress through urban planning and development. The Labour Cities Project is sponsored by the Public Private Partnership Bureau in Kuwait. The project aims to provide adequate housing for labour, contribute to solving arbitrary housing issues, and establish housing within close proximity to single-family suburbs.

Importantly, we need to understand that the condition of labour housing is merely a symptom, rather than the cause, of the problem. Urban planning and development allows the planner to not only improve the urban environment, but also to enhance the quality of life for all residents in the country without discriminatory effect.

Accordingly, the decision to transform labour housing at the fringes of the metropolitan area is simply not a civilized solution.  Unfortunately, this is nothing more than an attempt to sweep the dirt under the carpet. Of course, not seeing the problem certainly does not make it disappear.

It is necessary to realize that successful international cities encouraging mixed-use housing successfully create both diverse social and economic groups of citizens. Using mixed-use urban planning has proven prosperous and shows tremendous social and practical advantages.

Without a doubt, the flaws of labour cities include the creation of centres that lead to urban decay and rundown sections of the city where the most disadvantaged people in society reside. These centres would be more susceptible to crime and instability.

Also, the creation of these so-called cities would highlight the existence of the problem. When completed poorly, these cities attract international human rights originations and media attention that highlight the mistreatment of foreign workers in Kuwait and the Gulf States.

Therefore, we hope for urban plans that are guided by humane, just, and comprehensive development visions. Treating the root of the problem by addressing key issues, such as illegal workers, low wages, and workers’ rights, the provision of dignified living conditions for all can be achievable. As well, this can decrease the disparity between different social and economic classes. Successful implementation of urban planning and development can bring true change to our society.

?Is it Time to Allow Home Businesses to Operate in Kuwait

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  • زيارات : 892 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 15 يونيو 2017
الرابط الدائم لـِ ?Is it Time to Allow Home Businesses to Operate in Kuwait

Last May, the Minister of Commerce in Kuwait announced the government’s intention to issue home business permits. This announcement incited varying reactions of both support and opposition, as well as from those who are assured and doubtful.
The announcement is considered a bold governmental step that creates an initiative for affordable alternatives. Home business permits encourage Kuwaitis to opt for the private sector and refrain from the inflated government sector.

It is essential to understand that any decision will have both advantages and disadvantages. Importantly, the general public tends to oppose innovative initiatives.
I would like to participate in this debate, and as listed here are what I see as clear advantages to permit the Kuwaiti public to run their businesses from home:

• This decision provides an affordable and safe path to start a small business; a decision that usually carries a large risk for a significant segment of society who have limited means.
• This decision allows a person to run a business from his/her residence, which eliminates the biggest obstacle from establishing small businesses, including high and exaggerated rents for commercial for office, showroom, and workshop spaces.
• This move corresponds with international trends that encourage people to work from home, as well as provides for areas where mix-use activities take place. This decision will not only lower the need for transportation, but also decrease traffic congestion and harmful environmental impacts.
• As well, home businesses have positive social impacts. Home businesses allow parents to be present at home during the day, which keeps parents close to their children, spouses, and attend to their needs. In addition, it empowers a sector of the society who were unable to hold formal employment due to family commitments. All of this contributes positively to the local economy.
• It is imperative to recognize that some home businesses have the potential to succeed and grow into large companies that benefit the local economy. In fact, some of the biggest firms today had humble beginnings, starting from basements and garages!

On the other hand, we must be aware of the dangers of this decision, especially considering the weakness of supervisory governmental agencies. This could lead to chaotic business practices that may harm residential neighbourhoods in various ways.
However, we need to stop collective punishment due to the practice of the small minority that the government fails to supervise, control, or punish when trespassing these regulations.
The decision to allow home businesses to operate in Kuwait is a courageous move. We understand its implication, and by no means do we take it lightly. We hope that it is well-studied, has an applicable framework, and permits Kuwaitis to own their home businesses similar to those in the modern, advanced world.

البحث عن السياق الحضري !

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  • زيارات : 1٬522 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 27 يناير 2017
الرابط الدائم لـِ البحث عن السياق الحضري !

إن مراعاة السياق يعد من أهم معايير التصميم  و الفكرالمعماري. و في هذا الوقت بالذات أصبح من الصعوبة تعريف “السياق”. و السعي لهذا التعريف يعد أكثر صعوبة في مواقع جغرافية معينة.

و أنا أرى بأنه في الكويت و دول الخليج العربي خاصة، يجد المرء صعوبة بتعريف و تحديد معنى “السياق الحضري” الذي يفيد المعماريين.

و هناك العديد من العوامل التي ساهمت في الإفتقار للسياق المميز في الكويت و دول الخليج و منها:

  • الموقع الجغرافي و الذي يتميز بقساوة المناخ و المفتقر إلى معالم بيئية قوية. مع كون المناخ حار جداً و ذو مسطح صحراوي مستو.
  • كما أن المستوى الإقتصادي المحدود لدول و قرى الخليج قبل اكتشاف النفط لم يتح إقامة بيئة عمرانية و حضرية غنية.

و لكن بعد اكتشاف النفط و خلال فترة النمو السريع اختارت دول الخليج أن تتجاهل تكويناتها الحضرية و العمرانية البدائية. في محاولة منها إلى إظهار تحولها نحو الحداثة و التقدم. و هذه الخطوات أدت إلى إنتاج عمارة كونية لا تكاد تحمل أي قيمة محلية للمحيط.

وحتى هذا اليوم، فإن مدننا تعتبر صفحات بيضاء تسمح لكل من المطورين العقاريين و متخذي القرار و المعماريين العالميين التجاريين لكي يمارسوا تجاربهم و يقيموا عمارة ذات أشكال غريبة، و في مجملها أصبحت هذه العمارة ، و على الرغم من كونها معلمية، تنتج بيئة من التشابه و ضعف القيمة.

و إن واجبنا اليوم هو البحث عن معنىً جديد “للسيق الحضري”، مع الأخذ بالاعتبار بأنه في غاية التعقيد. فمثلاً يمكننا أن نبحث عن المعنى من خلال المحيط الاجتماعي و الذي تعبر عنه الثقافة و الممارسات الاجتماعية الأصيلة. كما أن المناخ المحلي يمكنه أن يوفر لنا تلميحات تساعدنا على خلق محيط حضري خاص. مع الحذر بالوقوع في فخ الاجندات البسيطة للعمارة الخضراء. كما أنه ما زال أمامنا الكثير لنعملة في مجال تحليل السيق الحضري و العمارة التاريخية، لكي نستنتج الدروس التي تقدم لنا التوجيهات في بحثنا عن “السياق” و “المحدد”.

In search for context!

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  • زيارات : 1٬254 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 27 يناير 2017

Context has always been an important element of architectural design and thinking. However, in this day and age context is quite difficult to define. That is even more challenging in certain locations.

I believe that in Kuwait and the Gulf States it is even more difficult to define and identify the appropriate meaning of context, so that it could be useful for Architects.

There are many factors that contribute to the lack of context.

  • The geographical location that is characteristic to a harsh environment with no strong features. The climate is extremely hot, with mostly flat desert terrain.
  • The limited economic condition of the states and coastal towns before the discovery of oil prevented the establishments of rich architectural forms.

However, after the discovery of oil, and during the rapid growth thereafter, the Arabian Gulf States choose to neglect their primitive urban and architectural forms; in an attempt to demonstrate modernity and development. This process resulted in the production of global architectural forms that rarely carry any contextual significance.

To this day our cities are considered white pages that allow real estate developers, decision makers and commercial architects to design and develop wired architectural and urban forms. Collectively these common architectural forms, despite being iconic; produce an environment of sameness and lack of significance.

Our duty today is to find a new meaning for context; in its complex nature we have to search for the meaning of local context in social practices, were local culture and experience of space can help define context. Also, local climate can provide hints to design unique architectural forms that are rooted in local context; beyond the simple agendas of green architecture. There is still a long way ahead of us in the study and analysis of historic urban and architectural forms, and distil lessons that can provide guidance in our search of context and specificity.