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Populism and the Future of Urban Development

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  • زيارات : 683 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 26 أكتوبر 2020
الرابط الدائم لـِ Populism and the Future of Urban Development

For years, Kuwait has continued to face a major development crisis, and this is evident by the composite model that combines administration failure and addiction of wasteful (welfare) policies. The current paradigm exacerbates our economic and social problems, as we are witnessing widespread administrative and financial corruption.

Each passing day, citizens are confronted with tremendous pressures, and the middle class is losing many of its gains, while the individual is confronted with difficulties and an increasingly nebulous future.

Urban planners promote plans that meet development goals, which are long-term, sustainable, protect resources and the environment, and consider the rights of future generations. Further, planners rely on scientific theories and utilizes technical sensible tools to evaluate alternatives and make decisions. On the other hand, public opinion is led by pulpit groups that focus on an emotional and rhetorical narrative that is generally weak, simple, and opposes elites and governmental policies. It seeks to form a link between professional opinion and authority.

The populist play on the existing class division in society, and their rhetoric lack sound sense. It tends to encourage consumption demands and wasteful government spending despite their feasibility. This populist front is accepted and widely supported because it relies on the overall frustration as well as the failure of the democratic system to meet the ambitions of its citizens. Frustrations such as these spread the feeling of injustice and an inability to control its destiny.

At this moment, populists own public opinion through direct communication and controlling media platforms, especially social media. The populist movement began to lead plans, guide governmental proprieties, and determine the future of the country in all sectors including urban planning.

Under these difficult times, professionals must face mainstream populism head-on and reinstate professionalism and common sense. This can be achieved through:

  • Building trust in professional, especially, urban planners;
  • Engage in public discussions and debates and address the common citizen;
  • Reform our democratic system for better representation and efficiency;
  • Restructuring bureaucratic systems that became an obstacle to meet development plans;
  • Reinforce awareness about the role of master plans in the creation of quality life;
  • Establish transparency measures and integrity government to regain trust in authorities’ decisions;
  • Empower the municipal council and expand its representation as well as broadening its powers and jurisdictions on municipal matters.

Labour Cities: The worst alternative for a complex problem

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  • زيارات : 762 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 21 مايو 2020
الرابط الدائم لـِ Labour Cities: The worst alternative for a complex problem

The Corona pandemic brought to the surface a set of problems that Kuwait suffers from in various administrative, economic, social, and other fields. Perhaps one of the topics that has been the most discussed is the issue of demographics and the need to adjust them.

One side effect of the unbalanced demographics of Kuwait is the housing of low-income expats. Due to caution directed toward the spread of infection, focus was placed on areas with a high concentration of labuorers, like Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh, Khaitan, and Bneid Al-Qar, among others. This increased the demand for the reduction of the number of expats as well as speeding up the creation of Labour Cities.

The Labour Cities concept is entirely unwise and necessarily leads to other problems. If it is considered as one of the alternative solutions, it will definitely lead to other complications that add to the problem of demographic imbalance. The magnitude of the problems related to the housing of foreign workers is obvious. Moreover, the Labour Cities solution may seem self-evident, but it is not necessarily the best or only choice.

This paper aims to make the case against the execution of Labour Cities projects and provide an alternative method to accommodate all expat workers within the metropolitan area.

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Urban Plans Between Architects and Planners

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  • زيارات : 749 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 16 فبراير 2020
الرابط الدائم لـِ Urban Plans Between Architects and Planners

I participated in a workshop at the Kuwait Municipality regarding the relationship between architects and urban planners as well as their roles in the urban planning process. The subject matter is interesting and displays a variety of dimensions. Healthy relationships between architects and planners can enhance urban planning in general and more efficiently achieve development goals and visions. كامل الموضوع

حزمة الحـــل الحضــري وتوفير السكن الميسور

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  • زيارات : 1٬106 | تعليقات : 0
  • بتاريخ : 3 يناير 2020
الرابط الدائم لـِ حزمة الحـــل الحضــري وتوفير السكن الميسور

يعتبر الإسكان من أهم أولويات الأسرة الكويتية. ونظراً لطبيعة النظام القانوني، وسعي الدولة لتحمل على عاتقها توفير المساكن للمواطنين، أصبحت كل أسرة كويتية تسعى لتملك سكن، واعتبر امتلاك السكن حق لكافة المواطنين. وفي النتيجة، أدى هذا المنظور اليوم إلى بلوغ عدد طلبات الإسكان لدى المؤسسة العامة للرعاية السكنية حوالي 90,000 طلب. ويتضاعف هذا العدد سنوياً على المسكن أو الأرض السكنية بين 7000 و 8000 طلب جديد.

وعلى الرغم من تخصيص مساحات كبيرة للأراضي السكنية، إلا أن تطوير هذه الأراضي وتزويدها بالخدمات والبنى التحتية يتطلب جهداً وفترات زمنية طويلة، مما يؤدي إلى إطالة أمد انتظار المسكن الحكومي. كامل الموضوع